We’d like to give you an insight into the person behind the surgical mask, so we’re starting a Meet The Team series. We’ll start with Jay Goswamy, our resident head and neck expert.
Where did you study?
I studied Medicine at The University of Sheffield where I went on to teach anatomy in the internationally recognised dissection laboratory. I then underwent specialist training in Manchester and Central London achieving the Guy’s and St Thomas’ Head and Neck Interface which is a nationally selected fellowship that allows 1:1 training from head and neck cancer experts from ENT, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. I have also learnt from surgeons in Toronto, Melbourne, Auckland, Germany, Luxembourg and New York.
What is your specific area of expertise?
I specialise in disease within the head and neck area (from the sinuses to the thyroid) including airway issues, thyroid lumps, salivary gland disease, skin cancer, swallowing problems and problems with the voice box. I also see children of all ages with lumps in their neck, tonsil problems, hearing problems and have a large practice in prominent ear surgery.
Head and Neck – that’s ENT right?
ENT is an acronym for Ear-Nose-Throat which are all interrelated. So ENT is a part of my specialisation. But also the wider head and neck and thyroid area too.
What made you pursue your career path?
I have wanted to be a surgeon ever since I first scrubbed in for an operation aged 15. I love the complexity of the head and neck area as well as the fact that as an artist I have to be very considerate of the cosmetic outcome when performing surgery at the visible end of the body. I really enjoy working with both adults and children and my great working relationships with surgeons from Plastic, Vascular, Upper Gastro-Intestinal and Thoracic surgery with whom I’m invited to operate with for complex cases on a regular basis. In ENT we treat the medical and surgical side of pathology which means that I get to accompany patients along their entire journey.

What makes you passionate about your career and the industry?
I enjoy the balance between NHS and private work in my week. Within the NHS I have medical students attached to me a trainee trainee surgeons of all levels; I work with excellent specialist nurses in busy clinics and share my time between the wonderful institutions of Wythenshawe Hospital, which is a central hub for breathing disorders and reconstructive surgery and The Christie where I work closely with acclaimed and skillful oncologists. In the private sector I get to personally see patients along every step of their journey and provide an unimpeded gold standard of care in a timely manner with plenty of time to build close and trusting relationships.
What are your interests outside of work?
Outside of work I am a family man with 2 young daughters and a cockapoo named Molly, I like to keep fit by signing up to challenges including triathlons, half marathons (marathon next year is the plan), Spartan races, tough mudder and hikes. I paint, I have taught life drawing, I haven’t exhibited any work since becoming a consultant in 2016 but that’s in my future plan. I set up a foundation supporting those affected by head and neck cancer in Manchester and Cheshire and so fundraising and organising social events for patients fills a lot of my spare time.
What is different or better about the services that Manchester Lumps Clinic provides compared to similar providers?
Manchester Lumps Clinic provides a landing place where patients can be assured that they are being assessed and treated by individuals who have specific expertise in managing new masses, be they cancerous or benign in a holistic, comprehensive and safe manner where conditions from the common to the obscure are managed with the care and detail that they deserve.